Monday, 24 December 2012

Post the Fifteenth

It is well known that Antarctica is a harsh, unforgiving and potentially deadly environment.  How do the denizens of Davis live their lives in these circumstances?  Let's find out.

Friday, 21 December 2012

A Jeff of the South Special: Santarctica - The Christmas Special

Like a lift with a busted cable, Christmas is coming more quickly than anyone would like.  It therefore behooves me to present to you (in a timely and appropriate fashion) this Jeff of the South Christmas special:

The tale of Santa at the South Pole

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Post the Fourteenth

 So, I thought, how shall I do a follow up from the previous episode of Jeff of the South?  The previous post was chock full of WILD AND SPECTACULAR VISTAS! and EXCITEMENT AND ADVENTURE!  How could I possibly produce something to come after that?  Had I peaked too early?

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Post the Thirteenth

So.  There I was, casually putting the finishing touches to the latest piece of literary genius when the phone rang.  It was the Station Leader.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Post the Eleventh

It's for real now.  The Aurora Australis has left.  Gone.  Vamoosed.  Departed.  Disappeared.  Left the building.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

A Jeff of the South Special: Fashion in the Kitchen

Time for something a little bit different.  Time for some pizzazz!

We pause from our regularly scheduled run of blog posts to bring you:

 Fashion in the Kitchen!

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Post the Tenth

The first few days at Davis have been fearfully, frightfully, terribly frantic. Not only has there been the need to rapidly adapt to working in a busy professional kitchen, but added to that is the further franticosity of a station resupply.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Post the Eighth

Neverending journey indeed!  Great scott, but I had little idea when typing that last post how much more real that sentiment grew to become.  (And Limahl is SO off my Christmas card list).

Friday, 7 December 2012

Post the Seventh

Preamble:  it occurs to me that it might not be obvious to the casual reader, but...  if you want to see a bigger version of each picture, just click on the picture itself.  Each image on these pages is a link to a larger version of itself.

And now, on with the show!

After  the best part of a fortnight spent plying the southern seas, we finally reached a milestone of note – the pack ice. 

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Post the Sixth

Preamble:  If you like reading this stuff, and would like to be advised immediately upon my publishing of a new post, there is a handy widget on the right hand side of the page, called "Follow by Email."  If you enter your email address into it it will (apparently) send you an automated email advising you of the appearance of some new stuff.  And a link to the new blah-blah-blah.  Natty, no?  

Anyway, on with the good stuff!


It is a long held tradition that, as a vessel crosses the 60° South line of latitude, King Neptune rises from the depths to welcome those entering for the first time his Antarctic realm.  (As he does also for those crossing the equator for the first time and, I expect, those crossing 60° North).

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Post the Fifth

Swim-Swim is of the opinion that some of his readers may be interested in having a bit of a look at various parts of the ship.  I have tried to reason with him that the interior of the ship would not have a very broad appeal but, like most toy penguins, Swim-Swim is very persistent.  So what follows is a brief tour of some of the parts of the vessel that he and I frequent. 

Monday, 3 December 2012

Post the Fourth

The Southern Ocean is a fickle mistress.  (If you must have mistress, a fickle one is by far the best.  But only if you must have one).   Its mood can change more swiftly than a politician when presented with new polling data.

Not three days after we were sailing through hell’s Westinghouse we were presented with this: